All lyrics are written by Totti Kaarle.


The Strangest Song (Ja simbilam malibmis aJ)

In eternal babylon where reason serves the sensual
Lady luck will turn to gold all blades drawn out
Muses clad in leopard skin spin around an offering
Left is behind a feast fit for the palate of sun king
The wining and dining stops when a sorceress steps up
And chants a spell to a tune of a great symphony

Ja simbilam malibmis aj
She sang the strangest song
Ja simbilam malibmis aj
All the children danced along
Ja simbilam malibmis aj
She sang the strangest song
Ja simbilam malibmis aj
The birdies joined in to the choir

Get enamored by her face she'll give you the medusa's gaze
In the hanging garden left there standing as a gnome
The sublimations and the love poured from cornucopia
Adoration born of fear will animate us all

Ja simbilam malibmis aj
She sang the strangest song
Ja simbilam malibmis aj
All the children danced along
Ja simbilam malibmis aj
She sang the strangest song
Ja simbilam malibmis aj
The birdies joined in to the choir

All that perishes bends to her whim
The spell echoes so far ja simbilam malibmis aj
Oh how blessed we are

Ja simbilam malibmis aj
She sang the strangest song
Ja simbilam malibmis aj
All the children danced along
Ja simbilam malibmis aj
She sang the strangest song
Ja simbilam malibmis aj
The birdies joined in to the choir

Ah! Per L'ultima Volta!


Bastard's Fugue

As the airwaves cry
And the pictures flaunt
Everyone’s allured
The charade is on

It seems well-conceived
But I can tell
That something brews beneath
Someone did a deed
So debauched, so vile
Don’t want to know
‘bout what went on or why
Smiling beauty queen
Immortalized, forever asleep
Coked-up troubadours
Singing hollow praise
Of just themselves
Knowing they’ll be forgotten one day
But we’re all amused
And at the same time so subtly engineered

It seems ill-conceived
And it gets worse
Far as I can see
Dig this travesty
Get desensitized
And you will cope
With the bare-faced lie
Tell me, did your idol get
Shat on by some dysgenic pleb
Did your noble cause
Get usurped and whored
The clown-show is what we get
‘cause you reap what you sow

Slick and sassy message
And that urban sensibility
And people just ignore the idolatry
You’d might as well watch porno
Well the difference is so vague by now
‘cause all things wholesome have been bastardized
You’d might as well watch porno
‘cause it’s all been turned to usury

Demanded Recognition

To trust you, I need you stripped of all
Fame and fortune, so spoke the slave
Master scoffs and affirms his dominance
Master laughs and gives him the cane

To see you as a full-fledged human being
Imitate me, so master spoke
Slave whimpers and suckles on his wounds
Slave is broken

He dreams of vengeance, retribution
Dreams of vengeance, retribution (3x)
Dreams of vengeance (3x)
Dreams of vengeance, retribution (3x)
Dreams of vengeance, retribution (4x)

In Their Rendering, Part 1

In their rendering, the philosopher kings, stood firm
As engineers and seers, of the finest pedigree
Poured their minds, and in their brilliance and hubris
They set on to probe their way to god

To fight against mortality, to tear the seam of time and space
Control the course of history, unto cosmos they’d carve their face
To synthesize divinity, to simulate a paradise with mere mundane means

An arcane theorem, brought to its ultimate
Elements and energy, that defy reality
Oh the lives the ordeal is sure to claim
Induced unity of matter and spirit
Attention to detail down to (the) level of planck length
An anticipation of something infinite
Meters very plain, for measures very great
Experimental risks, few atomized by slip
A dozen more will lose their sanity
An artificial rift of body and spirit
Measurements unknown, with metrics never shown
But they will bring about what they’ve set upon
The singularity, they’ve passed by already
And they celebrate, the forging of their fate
But do they really know what they’ve brought upon?

In their rendering, the philosopher kings, stood firm
As engineers and seers, of the finest pedigree
Poured their minds, and as ordained
They probed their way to god
The singularity, far passed and now they see
Produced by their machine, a providence supreme
They break the speed of light as they all become

Life Is But a Dream, an Illusion...


In Their Rendering, Part 2



Crowd of people wandering through the city streets
In their mere presence it keeps conveying to me
All thoughts and Ideals, one would like to neglect
Stripped down and clarified from their inner depth

I had yearned a skill to scan the minds of men
My predictments were severely wrong back then
The shallow human will which never aims to evolve
Alleged complexity which only turned out to be
A facade

Take a deeper view and see what is within
The particles that make a man's identity
Like pages of a memo they reflect what we want
But not what we really are
Unto the words that were not left unsaid without a cause

To hide that insecurity a mask is worn
To camouflage that vanity with all that talk
Well I’m the one seeing through it, so I’m to be the judge
A smile I know not to be real
Lies and hypocrisy, deception which I’m forced to bear

If it would have a face the ugliness would bloom
I found it’s inner core, the surface hid the truth
Yes knowledge can be gained, it never will be lost
The burden remains, ignorance was it’s cost

They claim that some are saints among the wretched in here
But in the end they’re same, in pursuits and fears
One among them, one witness to it all
Who sees, man’s ambitions fall
But why, oh god, oh why? Turned out to be me

Everywhere around me wherever they may be
This exploitive ailment, without my consent
Quickens, and these surges hollow out whats left

If it would have a face the ugliness would bloom
I found it’s inner core, the surface hid the truth
Yes knowledge can be gained, it never will be lost
The burden remains, ignorance was it’s cost
And only thing that’s left, this self-hate and regret
The nobility they claimed was just a facade

My debilitated mind, found the emptiness inside
And then I sought refuge, in my solitude

No Scene

No Scene

So Sang the Finch

Half a Year

Half a Year

Slapping the Table (In Amazement)
